Monday, September 05, 2005


Interesting Email & Response

I received an email, I thought by posting it here, along with my response, may prove useful to some of you.

The Email:

Jeff, what a great idea. Do you use the products? Can you tell me if any are recommended for trailers. We have to be careful what we use to clean the bathroom and stuff, cause it's all plastic or something.

My Response:

Yes, I use several of the products and am using more, I started with the deodorant blocks & block holders to get the smoke & pet smells out of the clothes in my closets. I also found out that the same ingredients that keep moths off of clothes keeps spiders out of outdoor storage areas. They are not recommended for use in open areas (don't hang one in the center of your rooms). You can look up the items below at and type in either the item number or the name in the search box for more info.

There are 2 products that probably would cover 90% of your household cleaning.

FulSol: a contraction for "Fuller Solution". It's a cleaner/degreaser comparable to Formula 409 & Fantastic. It is concentrated so you use 2oz to make a gallon of cleaner (1/2 oz to make a spray bottle). With this product you can clean all non-porous surfaces. I've even used it on the walls and doorways (they are porous so it's not advertised for that) and had good results and no problems. For a tough spot you can decrease the dilution or even use it full strength. This comes in either a quart or a gallon. There is also a product called 4XFulSol. The 4X is so concentrated that it is easy to use too much. It wouldn't hurt anything but is a waste to overconcentrate. I would buy the gallon of FolSol & if you ever use it up then use the quart of 4X to refill the gallon. A gallon of FulSol (Item #630 - $18.99), a measuring pump (optional - Item #952- $2.99) and a Spray Bottle (optional - Item #975 - $1.99) costs $23.97 and mixes to make 512 bottles that are the equivalent of the store bought stuff that you pay $3.97 a bottle for at Safeway.

FullSan. This is a cleaner/disinfectant/deodorizer. Like FulSol, it mixes 2 oz to make a gallon of cleaner. Again this is advertised for hard (non-porous) surfaces. I haven't tried this yet, so I can't tell you how well it works. A gallon (Item # 9841 - $14.99), the optional pump & spray bottle ($2.99 & $1.99, as above) work out to $19.97 for a concentrate that again makes 512 bottles of spray cleaner. I do recommend the pumps for ease of use, but you can also measure it by capfuls into the spray bottles.

For the bathroom I have been using a product called BathClean (Item #780). Normally it is sold without the trigger unit (you buy that and then keep using it as you buy just the bottles of the bath clean) and is on special with a Bottle of the BathClean and a Trigger unit. Item #780907 - $6.49. I have the same situation as you in that I have "Cultured Marble" (plastic) vanity tops and 1 piece vinyl bath/shower inserts. This stuff seems to work good.

Another item you may be interested in is the FullSparkle Spray & Granules.(item #s 575, 576 & 577) It attaches to your garden hose and is used to wash the outside of the trailer, windows, etc. It can also be used to wash your car. I haven't tried it yet but am thinking of ordering one just to use on the car. It has a sheeting action so it is supposed to rinse off and not leave water spots.

When I lived in the trailer with XXXX (when I was 19 & worked for the Forest Service), their trailer had a lot of paneling. If yours is the same you might be interested in the Item #746, Wood Polish & Cleaner. It used to be called Panel Cleaner. It was designed for wood paneling. Fuller also has an oil soap (Item #693 - similar to Murphy's) for use on wood cabinets & paneling.

I hope this info helps.

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